# Authentication

This guide covers the three steps to get to the checkout screen:

  1. Store lookup: "Enter store name"
  2. Clerk login: "Enter your employee PIN"
  3. Customer lookup: "Enter customer phone number"

# Clerk Login

Relevant Files



# Step 1: Store Lookup

# State

  • stores: All stores in the database
  • store: The selected store from the dropdown menu
  • textFieldBlur: Indicating that a store has been selected, so the user can go to the next page
  • searchStr: Text string entered to search for a store

# Overview

In componentDidMount, all stores are loaded into the state. The dropdown menu is a ScrollView component containing filtered stores based on the searchStr provided by the user. The "Next" button is disabled until the user selects a store from the dropdown (via textFieldBlur).

# Relevant Methods

_devBypass: Sets pre-defined clerk and customer information into AsyncStorage, skipping all login steps and navigating to the checkout screen, for testing purposes

_devConfirmBypass: Skips all login and checkout steps to the confirmation page with a pre-defined transaction

onSearchElementPress: Sets the selected store in state and displays the store name in the search bar

handleNavigate: Sets trainingMode, if applicable, and navigates to the next screen — ClerkLogin

# Step 2: Clerk Login

# State

  • password: The clerk's store pin
  • errorMsg: Displays an error message on screen if there are problems logging in
  • errorShown: Boolean indicating whether an error message should be displayed

# Overview

The clerk uses the TextField component to enter a clerk PIN. This component is currently configured to only accept four numerical values:

  style={{ marginTop: 32 }}
  placeholder="ex. 1234"
  onChangeText={(text) => this.setState({ password: text, errorShown: false })}

# Relevant Methods

handleSubmit: Performs a clerk lookup using lookupClerk. lookupResult comes with a status, record, and errorMsg.

If a clerk record is found corresponding to the given store name and clerk PIN, the clerk and store information is stored in AsyncStorage via _asyncLoginClerk. The app then navigates to the CustomerLoginScreen.

If no clerk record is found, the lookupResult.errorMsg is displayed.

# Customer Lookup

Relevant Files


# State

clerkName: The clerk name is displayed on the screen following a successful clerk login (see: Clerk Login (opens new window))

phoneNumber: The customer's phone number, entered by the clerk

errorMsg: An error message to display on the screen given that there was a problem retrieving the customer, if applicable

errorShown: Boolean indicating whether errorMsg should be shown

# Overview

The clerk enters a ten-digit phone number into the TextField component.

//Source: CustomerLookupScreen.js
    style={{ marginTop: 32 }}
    placeholder="ex. 1234567890"
    onChangeText={(text) => this.setState({ phoneNumber: text, errorShown: false })}

Once there are ten digits inputted, as checked by the const customerPermission, the "Next" button becomes clickable, allowing you to call handleSubmit.

An error message is displayed if the customer is not found in the database. Otherwise, we proceed to the checkout screen.

# Relevant Methods

# componentDidMount

_reset: The logged in clerk's name and an empty string phone number are set in the state. If this is training mode, a pre-defined clerk name and phone number are provided to the state.

# _asyncCustomerFound

Stores the customer ID in AsyncStorage and logs successful lookup in Analytics. Navigates to the checkout screen.

# _formatPhoneNumber

Takes a ten-digit phone number string and reformats it into the format (xxx) xxx-xxxx. This is used for consistent phone number lookup in the Customers table because numbers are stored in this format.

# handleSubmit

Formats the phone number and performs a customer lookup using lookupCustomer. The result, lookupResult, comes with attributes status, record, and errorMsg. If the customer is not found, the appropriate error message is displayed on the screen. Otherwise, the customer record is stored using _asyncCustomerFound.