# Deploying Updates


This documentation is the same for both the customer and clerk applications.

You can either deploy the update over-the-air (OTA) or submit a build a new version of the standalone app and re-submit to app stores.

Jump to instructions:

If you are unsure which method to use, carefully read the guidelines below.

# Updating OTA vs. submitting a new build

Over-the-air (OTA) updates allow you to publish a new version of your app JavaScript and assets without building a new version of your standalone app and re-submitting to app stores.

Not all updates can be submitted OTA. There are several limitations with OTA updates, including many changes in app.json. You can read more about the limitations of OTA updates here (opens new window). Additionally, rollout and adoption of OTA updates can be unreliable. Err on the side of caution when deciding whether to make an OTA update or submit a new build.

# When to update OTA

  • Backwards-compatible bug fixes: features where the app would remain usable for those with or without the latest update
  • Minor time-sensitive changes
  • Airtable schema updates: breaking if not updated immediately. More details here.

# When to submit a new build

# Option A. Updating OTA

Over-the-air (OTA) updates allow you to publish a new version of your app JavaScript and assets without building a new version of your standalone app and re-submitting to app stores.

# Set up your release branch

  1. Create a new branch from the most up-to-date version of main named release with the update version number using Semantic Versioning (opens new window) guidelines. For most updates, it is recommended to only increment the PATCH version.

    git checkout -b release-1.1.2
  2. Bump the expo.version number in app.json with the new SemVer version number.


      "expo": {
        "version": "1.1.1", // would become "1.1.2"

# Publish with Expo

  1. In your release branch, run expo publish --release-channel prod
  2. Once the update finishes processing, the latest updates should appear within the app. If changes do not appear immediately, close and reopen the app.

Once the OTA update is successfully published, skip the next section and jump to Merge release changes.

# Option B. Submitting a new build

# Set up your release branch

  1. Create a new branch from the most up-to-date version of main named release with the update version number using Semantic Versioning (opens new window) guidelines.

    git checkout -b release-1.1.0
  2. Bump the following version numbers in app.json




      "expo": {
        "version": "1.0.1", // would become "1.1.0"
        "ios": {
          "buildNumber": "1.0.1", // would become "1.1.0"
        "android": {
    			"versionCode": 2 // would become 3

Expo Docs: Configuration with app.json (opens new window)

# iOS - App Store

Follow these instructions for both apps.

As of Fall 2020, the Clerk app is also xavailable on iOS on the Apple App Store. Make sure all updates to the Clerk app are made for both iOS and Android.

# Start the Expo Build

  1. In the Expo CLI, run expo build:ios --release-channel prod
  2. When prompted, select archive
  3. Enter Apple ID credentials

Once the build starts, it can take anywhere from a few minutes to a several hours, depending on how much traffic there is. You can check the build status in your Expo Dashboard, or monitor the queues in Expo's Turtle status site (opens new window).

# Upload for iOS

Once the build is complete, run expo upload:ios in the Expo CLI. You will be prompted to enter your developer Apple ID credentials.

Alternatively, you can download the .IPA file from the Expo dashboard and upload it to TestFlight using Transporter from the App Store (link (opens new window)). Learn more about manually uploading from Expo Docs (opens new window).

# Test on TestFlight

Once you have uploaded the build, you can check the status of your app submission to TestFlight in App Store Connect:

  1. Login to App Store Connect (opens new window) with your Apple ID credentials
  2. Select My Apps and you should see your app listed.
  3. Select TestFlight from the to menu bar.

This will show your current app builds that are available for testing. To test the app on your device, you will need to install the TestFlight iOS app from the App Store, and sign in using your Apple ID.

# Create a new Version in App Store Connect

  1. Sign in to the developer account in App Store Connect (opens new window)

  2. Go to My Apps and select Healthy Corners (customer app) or Healthy Corners Clerk

  3. Under the App Store tab on the left menu bar, select + Version or Platform, and select iOS from the dropdown


  4. Update Version Information

    • What's New in This Version: describe any updates related to this version in up to 4000 characters.

      • Customer v1.2 example

        • The all-new Guest Mode allows you to use all of the store locator features without creating an account. Just tap 'Continue without an account' and start finding affordable healthy food!
        • The Crisis Response section in Resources provides links to keep you up to date with local emergency food resources and meal sites.
        • The new Stores display includes more detailed product information and the most updated prices.
        • The redesigned Points History displays more comprehensive information about your points earnings.
        • Easily get navigation directions to a store in a map app of your choice by tapping the store's address.
        • The redesigned map icons and labels help speed up your store search by helping you select stores from the map at a glance.
        • Security updates, small improvements, and bug fixes.

    • App Previews and Screenshots: Upload new app screenshots if necessary to reflect any major new features or visual changes. You can take these screenshots using cmd + s in an iOS simulator in devices of the proper dimensions. See Apple's guidelines here. (opens new window)


    Follow this guide on updating app screenshots to use the styled screenshot frames.

    Past versions of app screenshots are included in Dropbox here.

    • Description: Update the app description if there are any major new features or updates. This should not need to change much for smaller updates.

# Android - Google Play

Follow these instructions for both apps

Both the customer-facing and clerk-facing apps are deployed in the Google Play Store.

# Start the Expo Build

  1. In the Expo CLI, run expo build:android --release-channel prod
  2. When prompted, select apk

Once the build starts, it can take anywhere from a few minutes to a several hours, depending on how much traffic there is. You can check the build status in your Expo Dashboard, or monitor the queues in Expo's Turtle status site (opens new window).

# Upload for Android

Once the build is complete, click the link in the command line or go to your Expo dashboard, select the build, and download the Build artifact (APK).


# Test the APK

If you have Android Studio with an emulator or virtual device, select Profile or debug APK to run the APK on a virtual device.

Android Docs: Run apps on the Android Emulator (opens new window)


If you don't have an Android Emulator, upload the APK to Appetize (opens new window) to test it on an Android device online for free.


# Create a new Release in the Google Play Console

  1. Go to the Google Play Console (opens new window) and sign in
  2. Select either Healthy Corners (customer-facing app) or Healthy Corners Clerk (clerk-facing app) from All Applications
  3. From the menu on the left, open Release management and select App releases
  4. Under Production track select Manage on the right
  5. Select Create Release on the top right.
  6. Upload the APK downloaded from Expo
  7. Name the release with the version code and a brief description.
    • ex. v1.2.0 - Password Security Updates
  8. Add release notes
    • Customer v1.2 example:
      • New Crisis Response section in Resources provides links to keep you updated with emergency food resources and meal sites
      • All-new Guest Mode allows you to use all of the store locator features without creating an account. Tap 'Continue without an account' and start finding affordable healthy food
      • The new Stores display includes more detailed product information and the most updated prices
      • Get navigation directions to a store in a map app by tapping the store's address
      • Security updates
  9. Select Review. On the "Review and roll out release" screen, make sure there aren't any issues.
  10. Select Confirm rollout

# Update the Store listing

If there are any major updates that would require updating any of the following information, see Play Console: Manage your store listings (opens new window)

  • Title
  • Description
  • Graphic assets (icons, screenshots)


    Since Android screenshot guidelines are more flexible, we usually use the same screenshots that we use for the Apple App Store.

    Follow this guide on updating app screenshots to use the styled screenshot frames.

    Past versions of app screenshots are included in Dropbox here.

  • Categorization (categories, tags)
  • Contact details

# Merge release changes

Once the update is successfully deployed, merge the release branch into main to update any hotfixes and version numbers.

# Track the Release in GitHub

It is easy to lose track of which changes are included with which updates, and whether those updates were delivered OTA or through new builds. Releases in Github are good for organizing and documenting releases.

# Tag the Release

  1. In your release branch, mark the release point using a tag with the SemVer version code from expo.version in app.json

    $ git tag v1.2.0

    For updates where the version number does not change, note what the specific change is within the tag name.

    $ git tag v1.2.0_signup_bonus
  2. Push the tag using git push origin <tagname>

     $ git push origin v1.2.0_signup_bonus

    More on Git Tagging (opens new window)

# Create a Release from the tag

This is optional but highly recommended to track bigger releases including more major feature changes.

  1. Go to the Tags within the Releases page in the customer (opens new window) or clerk (opens new window) repo
  2. Select the ••• menu by the latest tag and select Create release Tag
  3. In Release Title, enter the SemVer code from version in app.json. In parentheses, add either OTA if the update was published OTA, or build if the update was published by a standalone build.
  4. Add a description about the Features & Improvements and Bug Fixes.

    Example: v1.1.0 (build)

    # Features & Improvements

    • Added styled map icons and transition animations in #87 by @tommypoa
    • Integrated Sentry for error logging in #85 by @JustinMi
    • Upgraded to Expo SDK 37 in #82 by @thumn
    • Added COVID-19/Crisis resources section in #79 by @kennethlien
    • Upgraded to React Navigation 5 in #76 by @thumn
    • Added Guest Mode in #74 by @kennethlien
    • Set the default store and added re-center location button in #72 by @tommypoa
    • Updated styling and navigation in #45, #46, #56, #64, and #83 by @wangannie
    • Updated product card details in #50 by @tommypoa
    • Added external links to navigation directions in #47 by @wangannie
    • Refactored Airtable in #48 by @anniero98
    • Updated Log In and Sign Up flow with Material UI text fields in #48 by @anniero98 and @tommypoa

    # Bug Fixes

    • Fixed map issues that would crash the Android app in #92 by @wangannie
    • Fixed Android styling bugs in #78 by @wangannie
    • Made the bottom drawer responsive to screen size in the map screen in #71 by @tommypoa
    • Fixed long store names pushing the See Products button off the screen in #51 by @tommypoa and @wangannie
  5. (Only for new build updates) Upload the .apk and .ipa files downloaded from Expo
  6. Select Publish release

Github Docs: Managing releases in a repository (opens new window)